Three years ago a rundown house was purchased, and a dream was born. Three years later, that dream has exceeded all expectations, as this last month we watched four families graduate and begin their new lives.
Our last graduate came to us with her dreams crushed, life shattered, and filled with the immense burden of shame. It was that profound shame that drove her to believe that she was flawed and therefore unworthy of love, belonging and connection.
As Kori immersed herself into the program, she blossomed. With the support of many, she was able to walk away from the ashes of her past self and into the future she was meant to pursue. She is now reunited with all three of her children, working, attending college on a full scholarship with a major in engineering physics, and a goal to go into aerospace engineering upon graduation.
And although love, hope and faith drives Lydia’s House of Hope, generous people like you are the ones that make dreams like Kori’s a reality.
A sponsorship of $2,500 invests in the lives of a woman and her children in crisis.
Most come into the home with nothing. Your $2,500 sponsorship provides them with the necessities needed for a yearlong stay at Lydia’s House of Hope. Essentials such as a warm bed, dresser to put their new clothes in, miscellaneous expenses that may come up along the 12 months they are residing here, as well as room maintenance such as paint and flooring if needed. Upon graduation from the program, your sponsorship allows them to ease into life propelled in a positive direction. The incredible people at Chinburg Properties, Awards Plus, Silvercloud, and Rob Cimini have all joined in to sponsor a room, but with winter quickly approaching, the need is greater than ever.
This sponsorship is what makes a difference one life, one woman, and one family at a time.